The health and well-being of our patients, staff and partners is our top priority. We are always committed to providing exceptional clinic experiences.

-Dr WuJianli, on ElunenaHealth’s commitment to their core values
Dear Guests, please watch this first.

Everything you wanted to know about ElumenaHealthClinics in the time of COVID-19.

We are paying close attention to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ministry of Health’s evolving guidance. We wanted to address some frequently asked questions, updates on Elumena Health Clinic’s actions to-date and our commitment to you and your health.

1. Is the Clinic open?

Yes. Health Clinics is currently OPEN and welcomes all new and ongoing requests for care.  (Did you receive our Clinic Opening email with a special gift just for you? If not, please contact us immediately.)

All of our services are currently available:

  • All in-person Physical Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy and Chiropractic assessments and treatments.
  • Video and phone Physical Rehabilitation, Chiropractic and Physiotherapy discovery and initial and treatment appointments;
  • Ordering medical foods through our online dispensary;
  • Orders for custom orthotic and compression garments;
  • All non-urgent and emergency and urgent in-person visits; and,
  • Our Clinician Hotline.

2. What is your plan to keep your patients, clients and staff safe

Elumena Health Clinics has implemented a 6-Star Pandemic Action Plan to minimise infection risk and improve community safety. We are an appointment only facility and want to tell you about our new in-clinic procedures if you are visiting us in-person.

  1. SCREENING: 24h prior to your appointment, you were emailed a mandatory COVID-19 Screening. 
    • Please complete and follow all stated instructions.  
    • If you screen positive, do not travel. Call us immediately.
    • You will be screened again prior to entry.
  2. PHYSICAL DISTANCING AND CROWD CONTROL: When you arrive, please stay in your vehicle until we contact you. 
    • Only patients and clients with an appointment and who screen negative will be allowed entry.
    • Stay on the marked paths
    • Our procedures exceed physical distance recommendations and ensures everyone and their family’s safety.
  3. MANDATORY MASKS: When you have been told to do so,
    • put on your face covering, step through the open door and scan the QR code (or save this link) with your phone to self check-in. 
    • Extra masks are available if you need.  We will invite you to make a donation to a local Markham charity.
  4. HAND HYGIENE AND DISINFECTION: After entering, follow the marked path to the wash station. Wash.
    • Proceed to your assigned treatment room.
    • The washrooms and your private treatment space have been disinfected prior to and will be disinfected after your use.
    • Our strict cleaning protocols (by staff and guests) are in place to ensure everyone and their family’s safety.
  5. TOUCH-LESS GUEST PROCESS: After your appointment, proceed to the hand washing station and follow the marked lines or our staff member back to your vehicle
    • Touch-less entry, check in and exit.
  6. CONTACT-LESS ONLINE PAYMENTS: Your payment will be applied electronically and receipt emailed.
Your touch-less guest experience is complete! Please bear with us as we continually refine our processes to ensure safe and timely service.

If you are required to postpone or reschedule your next appointment, rest assure that all necessary accommodations will be made. This will include the waiving of all cancellation or late fees.

-your ElumenaHealth admin team

3. What is the safest way to wear a mask?

4. What is the best way to make sure my hands are clean? (video)

5. Why are there so few spots to book my appointments?

In recent weeks, you will have noticed fewer available spots when you are trying to book your appointments on online or over the phone.

There is a delicate balance between our facility capacity and ensuring adequate safety measures. (see our 6-Star Pandemic Action Plan) the appropriate physical distancing between staff and guests at our facilities and our total clinic capacity. As we implement more physical distancing measures and apply more time consuming disinfection protocols, it has unfortunately reduced the available number of appointment spots that we can offer.

In light of these circumstances and to maintain your prescribed plan of care, we recommend to pre-book your followup appointments directly with your clinician at the end of your visit .

If you have had challenges trying to find an available spot to schedule your new assessment or followup session, we apologise for any inconvenience. Please reach out to us directly and we will accommodate you in whatever way that we can.

6. I screened COVID positive. What should I do?

Your positive screening result does not mean that you have a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19.

If you are at home:

  • Do not travel.
  • Complete the Ontario Government’s self-assessment, self isolate, and contact an your family physician, local medical officer of health or Telehealth Ontario.
  • Call us for further instructions. Your appointment will be rescheduled.

If you are inside our facility:

  • Your appointment will be rescheduled and you will be referred for testing:
    • If you have at least one symptom of COVID-19 or,
    • If are concerned that you have been exposed to COVID19 through exposure to a confirmed or suspected case or,
    • If you are at risk of exposure to COVID-19 through your employment
  • You will be requested to wash your hands and a surgical/procedure mask will be provided.
  • You may be asked to return to your vehicle to wait for further instructions.

7. What can I do to maintain my health during the pandemic?
  1. Maintain healthy lifestyle habits.
  2. Sleep deprivation, stress, excess alcohol or caffeine all decrease immune function.
  3. Set yourself up for success with good self-care habits.
  4. Nourish your body with healthy whole foods and drink plenty of fluids.
  5. Get light exercise outdoors as it boosts your immune response.

If you require additional personal support or more resources, please leave us your contact information and let us know what you are having difficulty with. We will reach out within 24h.

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